Materialize card
Materialize card


However, keep the filters in each union leg to preserve the semantics of the query. When the combined filter reduces the materialized result drastically, combine both filters on the materialized result by a logical or expression as in the query below. If the filters aren't identical, as in the following query: let materializedData = materialize(Table | project Timestamp, Resource1, Resource2, Text) Project these columns inside the materialized expression. The query only needs columns Timestamp, Text, Resource1, and Resource2. The filter on Text is mutual and can be pushed to the materialize expression. | summarize dcount(Resource1)), (materializedData For example, use filters, or project only required columns. Try to push all possible operators that will reduce the materialized data set and still keep the semantics of the query. To use the let statement with a value that you use more than once, use the materialize() function. Materialize your column at ingestion time if most of your queries extract fields from dynamic objects across millions of rows. RandomSet | summarize Dcount=dcount(value) This operation can be done using batches and materialize: let randomSet =

  • how many distinct values in the set ( Dcount).

    The following example generates a set of random numbers and calculates: Materialize Login Page Templates In Codepad you can find +44,000 free code snippets, HTML5, CSS3, and JS Demos. Im trying to build a layout in materialize CSS with many cards that fall into a responsive layout: Four cards in large displays (col l3), two in medium (col m6) and one in small (col s12). | project State, EventType, EventPercentage, Events Materialize CSS: Stacking cards responsively. | extend EventPercentage = Events*100.0 / TotalStateEvents

    materialize card

    | summarize TotalStateEvents=sum(Events) by State let _detailed_data = materialize(StormEvents | summarize Events=count() by State, EventType) The expression _detailed_data is defined using materialize() function and therefore is calculated only once.

    materialize card


    The following example shows how materialize() can be used to improve performance of the query. Here's what it looks like: PDF - Download materializecss for free. See example of using let statements).Įxamples of query performance improvement

  • Materialize can only be used in let statements if you give the cached result a name.
  • materialize card

  • Use materialize with join or union when their operands have mutual subqueries that can be executed once.
  • Push all possible operators that reduce the materialized data set and keep the semantics of the query.

  • Materialize card